
1' Hungary kick-off the first half - the match is underway!
7' In the minute 7, Balint Vecsei is on target to give Hungary a 1-0 advantage.
26' Great finish from Dominik Szoboszlai to give Hungary a 2-0 lead.
39' Goal! Hungary extend their lead to 3-0 through Martin Adam.
45' In the minute 45, Halil Umut Meler blows to end the first-half.
46' The second-half is underway. Bulgaria with the kick-off.
46' The away team have replaced Ivaylo Markov with Hristiyan Ivaylov Petrov. This is the first substitution made today by Mladen Krstajic.
46' In the minute 46, Georgi Rusev is on a sub for Spas Delev for Bulgaria.
46' Mladen Krstajic (Bulgaria) is making a third substitution, with Filip Yavorov Krastev replacing Yanis Karabelyov.
58' Kiril Despodov, who was grimacing earlier, has been substituted. Radoslav Kirilov is the substitute for Bulgaria.
60' In the minute 60, Barnabas Varga is replacing Martin Adam for Hungary at Puskas Arena.
73' Kevin Csoboth is replacing Roland Sallai for the home team.
73' Laszlo Kleinheisler is on a sub for Adam Nagy for Hungary.
85' In the minute 85, Bulgaria make their fifth substitution with Stanislav Shopov replacing Ilia Gruev.
86' The home team have replaced Bendeguz Bolla with Loic Nego. This is the fourth substitution made today by Marco Rossi.
86' The home team replace Balint Vecsei with Zsolt Kalmar.
90' That's full-time at Puskas Arena. The final score is 3-0.