
1' Famalicao kick-off the first half - the match is underway!
1' Vizela awarded a free kick in their own half.
3' In the minute 3, Vizela awarded a throw-in in their own half.
4' Vizela to take a throw-in in Famalicao territory.
5' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a Vizela throw-in in Famalicao's half.
6' In the minute 6, Can Vizela get the ball into an attacking position from this throw-in in Famalicao's half?
6' Throw-in for Famalicao at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao.
7' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a free kick to Famalicao.
9' In the minute 9, Ball goes out of play for a Vizela goal kick.
10' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins awards Famalicao a goal kick.
11' In Vila Nova de Famalicao Famalicao drive forward through Santiago Colombatto. His shot is on target but it's saved.
11' In the minute 11, Vizela's Nuno Moreira gets in a shot on goal at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao. But the effort is unsuccessful.
12' Corner awarded to Vizela.
12' Throw-in Famalicao.
14' In the minute 14, Throw-in for Famalicao in their own half.
15' Ball safe as Famalicao is awarded a throw-in in their half.
15' Throw-in for Famalicao in the half of Vizela.
16' In the minute 16, Vizela's Nuno Moreira misses with an attempt on goal.
16' It's a goal kick for the home team in Vila Nova de Famalicao.
16' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a free kick to Vizela in their own half.
20' In the minute 20, A throw-in for the home team on the opposite half.
21' Goal kick for Vizela at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao.
22' Bruno Wilson is booked for the away team.
24' In the minute 24, Free kick for Famalicao in their own half.
24' Free kick for Famalicao in the half of Vizela.
27' In Vila Nova de Famalicao, Vizela push forward quickly but are pulled up for offside.
28' In the minute 28, Vizela have a goal kick.
30' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins awards the away team a throw-in.
31' Free kick Vizela.
32' In the minute 32, Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a Vizela throw-in in Famalicao's half.
32' Ivan Jaime (Famalicao) has been booked and must now be careful not to get a second yellow card.
32' In Vila Nova de Famalicao a free kick has been awarded the away team.
33' In the minute 33, Ball goes out of play for a Famalicao goal kick.
33' Famalicao have a goal kick.
35' It's a goal kick for the away team in Vila Nova de Famalicao.
36' In the minute 36, Throw-in for Famalicao at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao.
38' Famalicao have been awarded a corner by Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins.
39' Famalicao have been awarded a corner by Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins.
39' In the minute 39, Famalicao to take a throw-in in Vizela territory.
40' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a free kick to Vizela in their own half.
41' A throw-in for the away team on the opposite half.
41' In the minute 41, Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins awards Famalicao a goal kick.
42' Throw-in for Vizela in the half of Famalicao.
43' Can Famalicao get the ball into an attacking position from this throw-in in Vizela's half?
43' In the minute 43, Igor Juliao (Vizela) has received a first yellow card.
44' Corner awarded to Famalicao.
45' Corner awarded to Famalicao.
45' + 1 Ivan Jaime instrumental with a fine assist.
45' + 1 1 minutes of injury time will be added to the 1st half.
45' In the minute 45, The first-half has come to a close in Vila Nova de Famalicao.
46' Vizela have kicked-off the second half at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao.
46' Ball safe as Vizela is awarded a throw-in in their half.
47' In the minute 47, Vizela awarded a throw-in in their own half.
47' Throw-in Famalicao.
48' Vizela have been awarded a corner by Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins.
49' Samu with an assist there.
51' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a throw-in for Famalicao, close to Vizela's area.
52' In the minute 52, Free kick for Vizela in their own half.
54' Free kick for Vizela in the half of Famalicao.
56' Vizela to take a throw-in in Famalicao territory.
56' In the minute 56, Corner awarded to Vizela.
57' Throw-in for Vizela in the half of Famalicao.
57' Goal kick for Famalicao at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao.
59' In the minute 59, In Vila Nova de Famalicao a free kick has been awarded the home team.
60' Vizela awarded a free kick in their own half.
62' Famalicao have been awarded a corner by Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins.
62' In the minute 62, Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins awards Vizela a goal kick.
62' Gustavo Assuncao (Famalicao) gets a yellow card.
63' Throw-in for Vizela close to the penalty box.
64' In the minute 64, Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins awards the away team a throw-in.
64' Throw-in high up the field for Vizela in Vila Nova de Famalicao.
66' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins waits before resuming play because Gustavo Sa for Famalicao is still down.
66' In the minute 66, Matheus Pereira de Souza (Vizela) has received a first yellow card.
67' The home team have replaced Pablo with Ivo Rodrigues. This is the first substitution made today by Joao Pedro Sousa.
67' Rui Fonte is replacing Gustavo Sa for Famalicao at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao.
69' In the minute 69, Throw-in for Vizela in their own half.
69' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a Vizela throw-in in Famalicao's half.
70' Free kick for Vizela in their own half.
71' In the minute 71, Vizela have been awarded a corner by Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins.
71' Famalicao needs to be cautious. Vizela have an attacking throw-in.
72' A throw-in for the away team on the opposite half.
72' In the minute 72, Vizela's Samu has been booked in Vila Nova de Famalicao.
72' Famalicao awarded a free kick in their own half.
73' Vizela have a dangerous throw-in.
74' In the minute 74, The match at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao has been interrupted briefly for a check on Kiko Bondoso, who is down injured.
75' At Estadio Municipal de Famalicao, Claudemir has been yellow-carded for the away team.
75' Free kick Famalicao.
75' In the minute 75, Kiko Bondoso is back on the pitch.
75' Vizela make their first substitution with Alex Mendez replacing Kiko Bondoso.
75' Can Vizela get the ball into an attacking position from this throw-in in Famalicao's half?
76' In the minute 76, Throw-in Famalicao.
77' Corner awarded to Famalicao.
77' It's a goal kick for the away team in Vila Nova de Famalicao.
77' In the minute 77, Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a free kick to Famalicao in their own half.
78' Famalicao advance rapidly upfield but Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins blows for offside.
79' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a free kick to Vizela in their own half.
79' In the minute 79, Joao Pedro Sousa is making the team's third substitution at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao with David Tavares replacing Gustavo Assuncao.
80' Famalicao awarded a free kick in their own half.
81' In the minute 81, That's a fine assist from Ivo Rodrigues.
82' Tomas Silva is replacing Samu for the away team.
82' Manuel Jorge Da Silva Cruz (Vizela) is making a third substitution, with Kevin Zohi replacing Nuno Moreira.
83' In the minute 83, Free kick for Famalicao in their own half.
85' Alex Mendez (Vizela) gets a yellow card.
86' Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins awards the away team a throw-in.
89' In the minute 89, Ivan Jaime of Famalicao gets in a strike, but is off target.
89' Ball goes out of play for a Vizela goal kick.
89' Etim is on a sub for Claudemir for Vizela.
89' In the minute 89, The away team replace Matheus Pereira de Souza with Carlos Isaac.
90' + 1 The fourth official's board shows 6 minutes, which will be added to the 2nd half.
90' + 2 Santiago Colombatto (Famalicao) has been booked and must now be careful not to get a second yellow card.
90' + 2 Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a free kick to Vizela.
90' + 3 Zaydou Youssouf is on a sub for Ivan Jaime for Famalicao.
90' + 3 Vizela to take a throw-in in Famalicao territory.
90' + 4 Goal kick for Famalicao at Estadio Municipal de Famalicao.
90' + 5 Tiago Bruno Lopes Martins signals a free kick to Vizela in their own half.
90' + 6 Vizela are in shooting range from this free kick.
90' + 6 Can Vizela capitalize from this throw-in deep inside Famalicao's half?
90' + 7 Can Vizela capitalize from this throw-in deep inside Famalicao's half?
90' + 7 Throw-in high up the field for Vizela in Vila Nova de Famalicao.
90' The second-half is over. The match ends 2-1.