
1' The first-half is under way at Allianz Rivera - Nice kick-off to start the match.
1' Lille awarded a free kick in their own half.
2' In the minute 2, In Nice a free kick has been awarded the away team.
3' Free kick Lille.
4' Throw-in for Lille in their own half.
10' In the minute 10, Corner awarded to Nice.
10' Mohamed Bayo for Lille drives towards goal at Allianz Rivera. But the finish is unsuccessful.
11' Lille awarded a throw-in in their own half.
12' In the minute 12, Ball safe as Lille is awarded a throw-in in their half.
12' Throw-in Lille.
12' Throw-in Lille.
13' Nice's Gaetan Laborde breaks free at Allianz Rivera. But the strike goes wide of the post.
13' In the minute 13, Goal kick for Lille at Allianz Rivera.
13' In the minute 13, Goal kick for Lille at Allianz Rivera.
14' Throw-in for Nice in the half of Lille.
14' Lille have a goal kick.
14' Lille have a goal kick.
15' In the minute 15, Nice drives forward and Gaetan Laborde gets in a shot. Without netting, however.
15' In the minute 15, Nice drives forward and Gaetan Laborde gets in a shot. Without netting, however.
15' It's getting dangerous! Free kick for Lille close to the penalty box.
15' It's getting dangerous! Free kick for Lille close to the penalty box.
16' Dante for Nice has been booked by Eric Wattellier and receives a first yellow card.
16' Dante for Nice has been booked by Eric Wattellier and receives a first yellow card.
19' In the minute 19, Eric Wattellier signals a Nice throw-in in Lille's half.
19' In the minute 19, Eric Wattellier signals a Nice throw-in in Lille's half.
20' Eric Wattellier signals a throw-in for Nice, close to Lille's area.
20' Nice's Badredine Bouanani gets his shot away but it misses the target.
20' In the minute 20, Ball goes out of play for a Lille goal kick.
22' In Nice Lille drive forward through Ismaily. His shot is on target but it's saved.
22' Free kick for Nice in their own half.
23' In the minute 23, Throw-in for Nice at Allianz Rivera.
25' Eric Wattellier awards the home team a throw-in.
25' Remy Cabella for Lille gets in a strike but fails to hit the target.
25' In the minute 25, It's a goal kick for the home team in Nice.
28' Lille's Remy Cabella is on target but unsuccessful.
29' Lille have been awarded a corner by Eric Wattellier.
29' Lille have been awarded a corner by Eric Wattellier.
29' In the minute 29, Tim Weah gets his shot on target but fails to score for Lille.
29' In the minute 29, Tim Weah gets his shot on target but fails to score for Lille.
30' Corner awarded to Nice.
30' Corner awarded to Nice.
30' Hicham Boudaoui of Nice gets in a strike, but is off target.
30' Hicham Boudaoui of Nice gets in a strike, but is off target.
30' In the minute 30, Eric Wattellier awards Lille a goal kick.
31' Lille pushes forward through Tim Weah, whose finish on goal is saved.
33' Eric Wattellier signals a free kick to Nice in their own half.
34' In the minute 34, Free kick for Lille in the half of Nice.
34' Badredine Bouanani instrumental with a fine assist.
36' In the minute 36, Throw-in for Lille close to the penalty box.
36' Eric Wattellier awards Nice a goal kick.
38' Free kick for Nice in their own half.
39' In the minute 39, Nice have been awarded a corner by Eric Wattellier.
39' Throw-in for Nice in their own half.
40' Throw-in Lille.
43' In the minute 43, Eric Wattellier awards the away team a throw-in.
43' Nice awarded a free kick in their own half.
44' Eric Wattellier signals a free kick to Nice in their own half.
45' In the minute 45, Eric Wattellier signals a free kick to Nice.
45' The first-half is over at Allianz Rivera.
46' Lille have kicked-off the second half at Allianz Rivera.
47' In the minute 47, Can Lille get the ball into an attacking position from this throw-in in Nice's half?
47' It's a goal kick for the home team in Nice.
48' Lille have been awarded a corner by Eric Wattellier.
48' In the minute 48, Lille's Bafode Diakite gets in a shot on goal at Allianz Rivera. But the effort is unsuccessful.
49' Corner awarded to Lille.
49' Lille apply pressure at Allianz Rivera and a brilliant scoring opportunity is created for Tim Weah but the strike hits the bar!
49' In the minute 49, Lille advance rapidly upfield but Eric Wattellier blows for offside.
50' Lille to take a throw-in in Nice territory.
51' Lille have been awarded a corner by Eric Wattellier.
51' In the minute 51, Nice have a goal kick.
52' Nice awarded a free kick in their own half.
52' Free kick for Lille in the half of Nice.
54' In the minute 54, Goal kick for Nice at Allianz Rivera.
55' Nice are pushing forward but Badredine Bouanani's finish is wide of the goal.
55' Ball goes out of play for a Lille goal kick.
56' In the minute 56, A throw-in for the home team on the opposite half.
57' Corner awarded to Nice.
58' Lille to take a throw-in in Nice territory.
59' In the minute 59, Aaron Ramsey of Nice smashes in a shot on target. The keeper saves, though.
59' Ball safe as Lille is awarded a throw-in in their half.
61' Eric Wattellier signals a free kick to Nice in their own half.
62' In the minute 62, Jonas Martin is replacing Leny Yoro for Lille at Allianz Rivera.
63' Eric Wattellier signals a free kick to Lille.
65' Lille awarded a throw-in in their own half.
66' In the minute 66, In Nice Lille attack through Jonathan David. The finish is off target, however.
66' Throw-in for Nice at Allianz Rivera.
67' The home team replace Badredine Bouanani with Billal Brahimi.
67' In the minute 67, Nice make their second substitution with Pablo Rosario replacing Aaron Ramsey.
68' In Nice a free kick has been awarded the away team.
68' Hicham Boudaoui is booked for the home team.
70' In the minute 70, Eric Wattellier signals a Lille throw-in in Nice's half.
71' Jonathan David for Lille gets in a strike but fails to hit the target.
71' Ball goes out of play for a Nice goal kick.
71' In the minute 71, Free kick Lille.
72' Kephren Thuram-Ulien (Nice) has received a first yellow card.
72' Nice awarded a throw-in in their own half.
73' In the minute 73, Eric Wattellier awards the home team a throw-in.
73' Billal Brahimi for Nice drives towards goal at Allianz Rivera. But the finish is unsuccessful.
74' Free kick for Lille in the half of Nice.
75' In the minute 75, A throw-in for the away team on the opposite half.
76' Can Lille get the ball into an attacking position from this throw-in in Nice's half?
76' Eric Wattellier signals a free kick to Lille just outside Nice's area.
77' In the minute 77, Throw-in Nice.
78' Didier Digard (Nice) is making a third substitution, with Youcef Atal replacing Jordan Lotomba.
78' Ross Barkley is on a sub for Sofiane Diop for Nice.
78' In the minute 78, The home team have replaced Hicham Boudaoui with Youssouf Ndayishimiye. This is the fifth substitution made today by Didier Digard.
78' Paulo Alexandre Rodrigues Fonseca is making the team's second substitution at Allianz Rivera with Edon Zhegrova replacing Jonathan David.
82' Eric Wattellier awards Lille a goal kick.
82' In the minute 82, Throw-in high up the field for Lille in Nice.
84' Throw-in for Lille in the half of Nice.
85' Lille have been awarded a corner by Eric Wattellier.
85' In the minute 85, Important block from the Nice defence as Edon Zhegrova fires in a strike for Lille.
85' Corner awarded to Lille.
85' Lille have a dangerous throw-in.
85' In the minute 85, Free kick for Nice in their own half.
85' Angel Gomes (Lille) has been booked and must now be careful not to get a second yellow card.
86' Ball safe as Lille is awarded a throw-in in their half.
89' In the minute 89, Nice have been awarded a corner by Eric Wattellier.
89' Can Lille get the ball into an attacking position from this throw-in in Nice's half?
90' Can Lille capitalize from this throw-in deep inside Nice's half?
90' + 1 3 minutes of injury time will be added to the 2nd half.
90' + 1 The 2nd half is prolonged by 4 minutes of added time.
90' + 2 Eric Wattellier waits before resuming play because Youcef Atal for Nice is still down.
90' + 2 It's a goal kick for the home team in Nice.
90' + 3 Lille awarded a free kick in their own half.
90' + 2 Corner awarded to Lille.
90' + 3 Free kick for Nice in their own half.
90' + 4 At Allianz Rivera, Tiago Djalo has been yellow-carded for the away team.
90' The match has come to a close in Nice. The final score is 1-0.